PAR-KER® Ceramic parquet

Company information

Earp Bros Innovative Tile Solutions Logo

Earp Bros Innovative Tile Solutions

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Company location: Australia


Ceramic parquet is currently a highly valued option when choosing a flooring material. PORCELANOSA Group includes a wide range of models in different finishes and formats in its catalogue.

The natural properties of this essentially ceramic material give ceramic parquet by Porcelanosa several advantages over traditional wood parquet, while still retaining the warm and inviting appearance of wood.

Ceramic parquet is highly resistant to wear caused by continuous use, and is even suitable for areas with a high level of pedestrian traffic, such as restaurants and shopping centres.

Its surface finish is unaffected by the sun, with no need to apply any type of treatment or follow a special maintenance procedure.

Its low porosity makes it the ideal material for wet zones such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Furthermore, Porcelanosa manufactures versions with an anti-slip surface that are ideal for outdoor use, for example in terraces or poolside areas.

In addition to its resistance, durability and easy-to-clean properties, this naturally inspired ceramic material offers a wide range of decorative possibilities.