Passivhaus Passive House

Company information

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Company location: United Kingdom


Passivhaus (sometimes known as Passive House) is a voluntary standard of low-energy building. It aims to provide occupants with a high level of comfort (heating and cooling) while using barely any energy. This is achieved through Passivhaus design principles which are extremely energy-efficient, boasting little-to-no running costs or carbon emissions.

Here at Econekt, Passivhaus is in the DNA of everything that we do. We are able to offer a full-service self-build project or help at specific points of said job. We offer everything from a full Turnkey service, to simply supply and site assistance (plus everything in-between). We also offer the ability to certify your project, working closely with our partner Passive House School. They are able to offer a full Passivhaus certification on your new home, post-construction, through the use of the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). A full list of our services can be found here.