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Company location: China


PBAT is a thermoplastic biodegradable plastic. It is a copolymer of butylene adipate and butylene terephthalate. It has both the characteristics of PBA and PBT. It has not only good ductility and elongation at break, but also Good heat resistance and impact performance; in addition, it also has excellent biodegradability, which is very active in the research of biodegradable plastics and one of the best degradable materials for market applications.

PBAT is a semi-crystalline polymer, usually the crystallization temperature is around 110℃, the melting point is around 130℃, and the density is between 1.18g/ml~1.3g/ml. The crystallinity of PBAT is about 30%, and the Shore hardness is above 85. PBAT is a copolymer of aliphatic and aromatic, which combines the excellent degradation performance of aliphatic polyester and the good mechanical properties of aromatic polyester. The processing performance of PBAT is very similar to LDPE, and the film can be blown with LDPE processing equipment.