PlanterCell® 130 - Green roof modular tray system

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Company location: Singapore


PlanterCell® 130 green roof tray is manufactured from UV-stabilised recycled polypropylene and Singapore Green Label certified. It is a lightweight green roof tray with an array of mini reservoirs designed to store water while allowing excess water to be drained off effectively. PlanterCell® 130 promotes healthier and sustainable plant growth and reduces the irrigation frequency. PlanterCell® 130 is designed to allow pre-growing of various green roof plants and the trays store approximately 32 liters of water per square meter. When the plants are established, the pre-planted trays are delivered to site for installation. An instant green roof is immediately achieved. Essential water and soluble nutrients that are stored in the mini reservoirs are fed to the plants readily via capillary action. This water storage feature helps reduces stormwater runoff by and nutrigates the discharge to the storm drains. PlanterCell® soil-less lightweight planting mix is used in the extensive green roof system. It is pH-stabilised and has good moisture/nutrient retention to promote sustainable plant growth. PlanterCell® 130 modules can be interlocked with one another to prevent accidental movements. The high-strength modules effectively support the weight of the planting media, plants as well as pedestrian loads.