PlanterCell® 170 Mini - Planter box to build green walls

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Company location: Singapore


PlanterCell® 170 Mini, by its’ name, is a small version of our PlanterCell® 170 green wall system. This mini model allows for more creative design options of green walls and provides solutions for facades with space constraints. The box, a single piece injection molding, is designed with 6 cells, acting as reservoirs with water storage capacity of approx. 10 l/mÇ to nourish plants via capillary action resulting in reduced irrigation frequencies needed. Three overflow outlets within the planter box drains excess water preventing flooding and overweight situations. The box has notches at the side walls to accommodate irrigation lines and self-locking clips at the back for a simple mounting onto structures. In addition it can be mounted onto structures using stainless steel clips and anchor bolts to create a green wall. The system consists of the planter box, PlanterCell® Planting Mix and Insu® Felt as a separation layer between the planting media and the cells to prevent clogging of the reservoirs. The system allow for pre-growing of greens prior to installation on-site.