PlanterCell® 70 is a green roof modular tray system with the highest water storage capacity to reduce irrigation needs and can also be used as a part of rain water management to reduce peak flow. It has a high compressive strength to accommodate human traffic.
The tray, a single piece injection molding, is designed with 64 cells acting as reservoirs with water storage capacity of approx. 46.8 l/mÇ to nourish plants via capillary action resulting in minimal irrigation needed. Cell walls in one direction are slotted to equalise water amongst the reservoirs and perforations are made on 4 of the cell floor to drain excess water. The tray has raised legs to prevent water logging. Male/female interlocking system at the sides of the tray allows the trays to be laid out securely to form a platform for planting.
The system consists of the tray, PlanterCell® Planting Mix and Insu® Felt as a separation layer between the planting media and the cells to prevent clogging of the reservoirs. This system allows for planting on top of the tray or within the cells, allowing pre-growing of greens prior to installation on-site.