PlanterCell® H2O-R Panel - Composite green wall system

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Company location: Singapore


PlanterCell® H2O-R Panel is a pre-fabricated composite green wall system developed for the purpose of creating designer green walls. The panel is made up of a lightweight Insu® Board, PlanterCell® H2O-R Foam, PlanterCell® H2O-R Moisture Mat, Insu® Felt, Insu® Net, with automatic irrigation system and drainage tray. The Insu® Board provides the base for the system. The PlanterCell® H2O-R Foam acts as a media substrate and water retention layer to constantly hydrate the plants through a wicking action whilst the PlanterCell® H2O-R Moisture Mat acts as additional water retention and transition layer to distribute water evenly amongst the plants. The Insu® Felt protects the water retention foam from UV rays and weather. The Insu® Net protects and holds the system and plants in place whilst allowing proper aeration. Prior to planting slits are made in the green wall netting to a predetermined design and the roots of plants are then inserted into the slits.