Polygood Recycled Plastic

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Company location: United States


100% GOOD


Polygood® panels are playing a vital role in combating plastic pollution, demonstrating that high-quality furniture, retail fixtures, and other premium interior design elements can be crafted from an eco-friendly, innovative, and recycled material.

What sets Polygood® apart is our commitment to using a single type of plastic to manufacture our panels. This approach makes Polygood® an ideal candidate for upcycling, a key concept in circular manufacturing and design that emphasizes high-value material reuse.

Using mixed plastic sources often leads to downcycling, the less desirable alternative to upcycling, where materials lose their value and reusability. In the case of plastics, blending different types renders them non-recyclable. By using a single source of plastic, we ensure that our material can be melted down and reused multiple times, exemplifying how thoughtful manufacturing choices can close the waste loop by transforming materials destined for the landfill into valuable products.

Why Polystyrene?

We intentionally chose to manufacture Polygood® using 100% recycled polystyrene (PS) due to its excellent recycling potential and versatile qualities. Polystyrene is not only environmentally friendly but also an exceptional design material.

  • Low Emissions: Producing Polygood® panels with PS is resource-efficient, and recycling it by our suppliers requires minimal energy.
  • High Structural Integrity: PS can support significant weight and stress, eliminating the need for additional reinforcement structures.
  • Strong and Durable: PS is a tough, long-lasting material that resists wear and tear over time.
  • Recyclable: PS can be shredded and reused multiple times, greatly reducing environmental impact.
  • Lightweight: PS contributes to faster construction times and reduces the load on building structures, making it a practical choice in modern construction.
  • Thermoformable: PS allows us to shape Polygood® panels using heat and pressure, catering to specific design requirements across various applications.
  • Water- and Mould-proof: PS is ideal for areas prone to mould or mildew, ensuring the integrity and safety of the structure.
  • Consistent: As a reliable resource, PS ensures that the chosen design and colour can be consistently replicated across even the largest industrial-scale architecture and design projects.