Potassium Soap Concentrate

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Company location: United Kingdom


Potassium Soap is a natural horticultural soap that acts as a safe and effective insecticide for combating and preventing common garden pests such as aphids, earwigs, red spider mites, scale insects, caterpillars, sawfly larvae, woolly aphids, whiteflies, and more. When sprayed on plants, it forms a protective layer that shields them from harmful external elements.

Beyond pest control, Potassium Soap is an excellent natural cleaner for gardening tools, pots, containers, greenhouses, plastic tunnels, and other surfaces around the home and garden. It has also been widely used as a universal detergent for removing stubborn stains from fabrics without causing damage.

Key Uses:

Protects flowering and edible plants in homes, greenhouses, and gardens.

Cleans a variety of surfaces, including greenhouses, pots, and gardening tools.

Effectively removes tough stains from fabrics.


Effectively combats and prevents common pests in homes, gardens, and greenhouses.

Can be used as a natural cleaner for plants that have suffered pest attacks, helping to remove sooty mold and mildew.

Gentle on plant tissues and provides a secondary source of potassium.

Free from toxic compounds, ensuring no negative environmental impact.

Safe for children, pets, and beneficial insects.

Potassium Soap offers a versatile, eco-friendly solution for plant protection, garden maintenance, and household cleaning needs.