
Company information

Power Knot Logo

Power Knot

Company location

Company location: United States


Powerchips Green are used in LFC biodigesters as a medium to speed the digestion of the food waste placed in the machine. These chips are highly porous to create an environment where the microorganisms in the Powerzyme can rapidly reproduce to digest the organic material faster.


Made entirely of organic material

No petrochemical (fossil) components used

Irregular shape to distribute water and oxygen to microorganisms to speed digestion

Highly porous to enable growth of microorganism colony to speed digestion

Green in color to signify their status



Made for long term use

Compatible with all LFC biodigesters, both land and marine

Compatible with most biodigesters

Compatible with all types of sewage treatment plants


Can be stored for up to two years

Environmentally Friendly


Meet sustainability goals with Powerchips Green.

Reduces the acquisition of petroleum-based plastics


Environmentally sound solution meets expectations of regulatory authorities and stakeholders


Achieve Operational Efficiency

Creates an environment to maximize the rate of digestion in the LFC biodigester

Improves the ROI for your LFC biodigester

Power Knot honors its warranty for the drum that is using Powerchips Green


Single purchase for LFC biodigester and all consumable items