Primed Flatsheets & Weatherboards

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Company location: Australia


Primed Flatsheets & Weatherboards

TOP 3 Benefits:

• Replacement Parts Available

•Designed for Disassembly

• AFS/PEFC Certified Wood

Weathertex’s Primed Flat Sheets and Weatherboards are exterior cladding products made of natural Australian hardwood timber from sustainably managed AFS/PEFC-certified NSW state forests and  EPA approved private native forestry. The products utilise a water-based acrylic, and offers termite resistance as well as compliance with AS 3959 Bushfire Attack Level (BAL-19). The product ranges include Traditional lapped weatherboards, Selflok weatherboards, Weathergroove architectural panels, Exteriorboard high impact architectural panels, and Rubix architectural panels.

This product is a durable, formaldehyde-free flat sheet and weatherboard, pre-primed with an acrylic, water-based primer and made of sustainably-sourced Australian hardwood timber. Suitable for use in exterior cladding – for residential and commercial applications.
