ProShield-P10 Insulation

Company information

Australian Insulation Manufacturers Group Pty Ltd Logo

Australian Insulation Manufacturers Group Pty Ltd

Company location

Company location: Australia


A rigid insulation panel comprising a thermoset, phenolic foam core with dual reflective embossed aluminium surfaces.

Designed for commercial and multi-unit residential projects including wall, roof, ceiling and carpark or basement soffit applications - especially where the exposed insulation will be the finished surface.

ProShield-P10 Insulation achieves high thermal performance and long-term retained R-Values in a slim profile panel that is easy to handle, fibre free, resistant to fungus and mould growth, and will not sustain vermin.

ProShield-P10 Insulation contains no CFC or HCFC's, has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and contains no volatile organic compounds.