Rammed Earth Walls

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Rammed Earth

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Company location: Australia


Timeless and Unique Rammed Earth Walls

At Rammed Earth Enterprises, we have been specialising in building stabilised rammed earth walls since 1992. Our expertise lies in crafting timeless, unique walls for domestic, commercial, and landscaping projects across Victoria.

Rammed earth is not just a wall medium; it is a harmonious blend of natural beauty and sustainability. Over the years, we have meticulously refined our process, using specialised formwork and equipment to produce high-quality, thermally efficient walls that are as aesthetically pleasing as they are functional.

Timeless Natural Beauty

At Rammed Earth Enterprises, we specialise in creating rammed earth walls that offer not only timeless, natural beauty but also superior thermal properties for sustainable living.

Comfortable living means enjoying a home that maintains a consistent and pleasant temperature throughout the year. Traditionally, many methods of controlling extreme temperatures rely on energy usage, which can be costly for both occupants and the environment. By combining solar passive design, insulation, and the thermal mass of rammed earth walls, it's possible to achieve a naturally comfortable temperature year-round, with minimal heating and no need for artificial cooling.

With over three decades of experience, we understand the incredible potential of rammed earth walls. When utilised correctly, in conjunction with solar passive design, these walls can absorb the sun’s warmth in winter and manage the heat in summer. For example, in temperatures around 40°C, our rammed earth homes typically remain comfortably in the mid-20°C range without the need for air conditioning.

Rammed earth walls offer numerous practical advantages while being architecturally distinct and highly versatile. They integrate seamlessly with any house style, from traditional, rustic designs to cutting-edge contemporary aesthetics.

At Rammed Earth Enterprises, we provide technical information to builders, designers, and architects, ensuring that this unique building medium is utilised to its fullest potential. We construct both standard and insulated rammed earth walls throughout Victoria, bringing our expertise to every project.