Recycled Solid Plastic Posts

Company information

A-One Plastics Logo

A-One Plastics

Company location

Company location: Kenya


A-one products are made from recycled plastic with a commitment to quality that is recycled on site and is an excellent alternative to wood.

The ethos of the company 'We Care for Health & Environment' helps rebuild the environment by preventing unnecessary destruction of our trees and forests and reduces the waste from being dumped in sites such as the Council dumping sites and eco systems. Manufactured according to British standard and institution on methods of testing plastics for mechanical properties, tensile properties and general principals BS 2782 part 3 method 321 1994 ISO 527-1-1993.

Manufactured to British standard and institution BS6233:1982 IEC93:1980 method for volume resistivity and surfaceresistivity of solid electrical insulating materials.

Standard posts can be used for fencing, plain wire/barbed wire staining allowance up to 30feet without foundation using 1½'' U nails.