Regular House Cleaning Melbourne

Company information

Bliss Home Care Logo

Bliss Home Care

Company location

Company location: Australia


At Bliss Home Care Melbourne, our regular house cleaning services are a thorough green cleaning service intended to keep your house clean, tidy and in tip top condition. You will always have the same cleaner unless you wish to change or if your cleaner is away due to sickness or on holidays.  We will be more than happy to provide you with a fill in cleaner while your cleaner is away.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Dust and wipe furniture, window ledges, window sills, doors, door frames, skirting boards, light switches and picture frames

Vacuum clean all soft furnishings and all carpet areas

Mop floors and tiles

Clean window inside

Clean and polish any brass and chrome

Bathrooms all surfaces

Kitchen all surfaces

All appliances – including fridge, stove, oven and microwave

Bedrooms / Study

Lounge / Dining rooms

Clean and disinfect toilets


Will do your Ironing

Will do your Washing

Clean Laundry

Clean Pantry

Empty waste bins

Carpet Clean

Tile and Grout Clean

Upholstery Clean