Regular office cleaning

Company information

The EcoPro Cleaning Co. Logo

The EcoPro Cleaning Co.

Company location

Company location: New Zealand


Cost Saving Eco Cleaning

Most businesses actually save money by changing their commercial cleaner to Ecopro. By implementing some simple changes to your waste procedures and cutting plastic consumables can cut waste to landfills and save over 72% in plastic bags and consumables over 12 months. 

Not only does this save costs, but we have found that staff became highly engaged in the whole process. At HRV staff initiated an in-house swear box-type ‘fine’ system. If anyone puts the wrong thing in the wrong bin they fine each other! 

If your business consumes a large number of bin liners, plastic bags and other consumables find out how we've been able to cut costs for other Auckland businesses.

Healthy Work Environments

Your office might look clean but how come the number of lost days due to staff sickness is still too high?

We have researched this subject exhaustively and discovered that the use of harsh chemicals during the cleaning process along with poor quality cleaning equipment, can prove to be counter-productive. This is because many people, particularly those that suffer from allergies and asthma, can have serious reactions.

EcoPro is different because we take that all essential holistic view of your environment hence our strapline -  “Creating Healthy Environments”.  Essentially, we are health workers.

All our cleaners are trained in environmentally-friendly processes and use chemicals scientifically proven to be biodegradable with absolutely no Volatile Organic Compounds.

We provide information and training for the staff of our clients on the best recycling methods.

We audit our client’s building or office areas to determine where other factors can be addressed to improve the overall ‘health’ of your work environment.