Resealable Sandwich Bags

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Company location: Australia


These Biogone Resealable Sandwich bags are designed to help your food stay fresh. You can use them for your snacks or lunches.

You can use these for school, office or picnics.  The bags are easy to lock, and sized to 20cm x 18cm


Resealable bags with green text written on the side to identify them as landfill-biodegradable bags.

Strong zip seal to contain your items.

Bags can be reused and washed multiple times.

These resealable bags will be digested away by natural microorganisms after disposal to a landfill.

For more information on landfill biodegradable technology, click here.

Recyclable. As with all our landfill-biodegradable products, they can be recycled with other soft plastics. Our additive does not affect the recycling process.