Residential Estate Recycling

Company information

Remade Recycling Logo

Remade Recycling

Company location

Company location: South Africa


Those who choose to live in a residential estate have done so with certain expectations in mind. For many, it is about security, while for others it is about the surroundings and lifestyle benefits that come with a cleaner, cared for environment. We are the right partners to deal with residential estate recycling because we understand just how important it is to care for our living environment and have dedicated ourselves to creating ethical, convenient waste management solutions. We also invite all residential estate resident to join with our Recycling Revolution in an effort to preserve the planet for generations to come.

The benefits of Remade Recycling collecting in your estate:

Our collection service runs consistently, regardless of Public Holidays with the exception of Christmas Day and New Year’s Day (alternative arrangements will be made).

We supply residents with easily identifiable green-branded plastic bags.

No registration is necessary.

No sorting is necessary as all grades of recyclables go into one bag.

Our dedicated Estate Recycling vehicle fleet collects all grades of recyclables, including paper, plastic, cans, and glass, as well as all forms of e-Waste, large appliances, and moving boxes.

Residents need only place their bags outside their homes on collection day.

Residents can place larger recyclable items, like cardboard boxes or e-Waste, into or next to the green bags to be collected with the rest.

The cost is included in the levy.