Rooftop Solar System

Company information

Sunseap Logo


Company location

Company location: Singapore


A rooftop solar system utilizes unused rooftop space for the deployment of solar systems. In land-scarce regions such as Singapore, rooftop solar systems provide an avenue for businesses to utilize solar energy by generating solar energy from the rooftops of their buildings.

Installing a rooftop solar system with trusted solar installer Sunseap will not only help businesses to achieve their long-term energy goals, but also fulfil their corporate social responsibility goals by raising the sustainability bar for commercial building owners. Commercial building owners will also be able to get one step closer to attaining Green Mark (GM) Certification.

Our notable rooftop solar system projects include Jurong Health Services Pte Ltd, where Sunseap was the first to embark on solar energy initiatives in the local healthcare sector. Commercial building owners can look forward to reaping several benefits, such as reducing electricity bills, earning the Green Mark (GM) Certification, roof/building cooling, and demonstrating ethical and sustainable core values.