Sampling for Mould & Bacteria

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Eva and Associates Logo

Eva and Associates

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Company location: Australia


Sampling for Mould & Bacteria can address certain questions:

Is there a hidden mould/bacteria problem?

What is the extent of the problem?

Are adjacent areas affected due to cross contamination?

Is this discolouration mould growth?

What am I breathing in?

What needs to be remediated?

Was remediation successful?

Eva & Associates offers both the traditional method of mould/bacteria sampling & analysis, where samples are analysed in a laboratory and also the Mycometer™ method, a USEPA verified rapid method for quantifying airborne & surface fungal and surface bacteria biomass.

MYCOMETER - Rapid Assessment Technology

Eva and Associates Pty Ltd are now able to perform on site air and surface monitoring of mould and bacteria, using the newly acquired Mycometer Fluorometer- the lastest rapid assessment technology for air and surface sampling of mould and bacteria. Our team of consultants are trained and certified to use the new on-site sampling technique, which will provide a rapid turn-around for site investigation.

Mycometer Air measures the onsite quantification of fungal particles in air, providing accurate interpretation levels and guidance for both naturally and mechanically ventilated buildings.

Mycometer Surface measures fungal biomasses on surfaces and inside absorbant materials and is an increasingly popular tool for consultants in mould and fungal assessment. 

Mycometer Bactiquant - this method rapidly detects and quanitifies bacteria on surfaces, often used to identify the presense of bacterial contamination in buidlings and as a tool for quality control after remediation works.