Company information

Earth Anatomy Logo

Earth Anatomy

Company location

Company location: Australia


Sandstone is a sedimentary rock formed from grains of sand, most notably quartz. It comes in a range of colors in nature, depending on the region of the world in which it appears.

Sandstone is somewhat porous and easily carved, which explains its use in building dating back to prehistoric times. These qualities also make it one of Earth Anatomy’s most remarkable veneers. Our sandstone veneer, when processed becomes ultra-flexible – it is similar to working with wallpaper in that it can even be rolled. You will not believe that you are able to use real stone in anything from a wall covering to finishes on products and vehicle interiors until you see it in real life.



 Hospitality & Restaurants

 Retail Joinery

 Feature Walls

 Commercial Spaces

 Columns & Pillars

 Offices and Partitions



 Furniture and Millwork

 Trade Exhibitions

 Aircraft/Watercraft Interiors

 General Use Veneer


Material Size & Thickness (mm)

Natural fiber weave Sold in rolls 1100 x 2730 (untrimmed 3200) x 2-4mm