Single Stream Waste Recycling

Company information

Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions Logo

Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


A single stream installation separates, sorts, and processes valuable commodities, such as newspaper, mixed paper, plastic containers, PET, Tetra Pak and glass, which are then baled and shipped for reuse.

While most EU countries still have a policy that favours source separation, Single Stream waste processing is increasingly becoming an alternative for recycling mixed MSW. Based on our experience in the United States and the United Kingdom, Bollegraaf is certain that Single Stream waste recycling is an effective, efficient and sustainable alternative to the way most European countries currently collect and process waste.

Optimising economic value with the lowest possible costs per tonne is the short-term goal for every Bollegraaf installation. The long-term goal is to ensure permanently low operating costs for a fast return on investment.