Smart Reverse Vending Machine

Company information

Aco Recycling Logo

Aco Recycling

Company location

Company location: Turkey


It's an innovative solution for collecting empty beverage containers at the source and increasing the recycling rates with a reward system. It becomes possible for users to preserve and to collect the waste separately and cleanly at the point that the waste occurs by throwing the recyclable material like plastic , glass bottles or aluminum beverage cans into the smart machine. Users can receive payments choosing on the pre-established awarding methods. Deposit or Non Deposit, for both cases G-1 is ready to be deployed Globally.

AI Based Photo Recognition Technology

Aco Recycling brings another innovative way for recognition technology to implement well developped AI for higher accuracy and better process speeds.Countries that does not have deposit system easy and succesful way to implement Smart Reverse Vending Machine projects. Ability to handle local products and customization on the AI Library.

AI Based Photo Recognition-Barcode Recognition Combination

Barcode Recognition is another important step of detection system which also provides higher accuracry espacially on the spesific product lines as well as brands. Recognition of barcode is an additional layer that supports the AI Based Photo Recognition which provides a great output and security layer of the recognition technology. Barcode database is editable by the G-1 Interface, easily any changes can be applied including; add/remove barcodes, change the values and keep the G-1 always up to date without any additional technical assistance.

G-1 is able to accept Plastic & Aluminum & Glass type of empty beverage containers. Depending on the request before the deployment any configuration could be applied to G-1 for accepting any requested types.