Smart Street Lights gridComm

Company information

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Company location: Singapore


gridComm provides a complete smart lighting solution that creates a network over a city's power lines, when coupled with our street light control software, saves millions of dollars in electricity and maintenance costs per year. It also creates a smart city backbone upon which gridComm then connects thousands of sensors to measure weather, pollution, traffic and more..

The most reliable control network

gridComm removes the need for prohibitively expensive new infrastructure by 'piggy-backing' onto the city's existing power lines. It's patented 18 channel chip design, provides a redundancy for noisy power lines. In addition to Smart Street Lighting, gridComm's hybrid PLC+RF solution lays the foundation for a city-wide sensory network to be implemented via the street light and power line infrastructure. The addition of the 19th channel for sensor connectivity creates the world's most reliable smart city network solution, with end-to end technology delivery from sensors to gateway to software.


gridComm provides a complete smart light solution that creates a network over a city's power lines. This includes communications devices, concentrators and street light control software that saves cities millions of dollars in electricity and maintenance costs.

Intelligent lighting operations alone can shrink a city's annual electricity consumption by as much as 40%. Granting unprecedented control, a smart city network enables hundreds of thousands of IoT sensors to communicate and deliver detailed data in real-time.

Making smart cities smarter

In combination with gridComm's sensor partners, a city-wide central nervous system can be formed from the aggregation of weather, pollution, parking, traffic and environmental sensors. These third-party technologies help cities to become significantly more cost and resource efficient

  • Enables data communication between thousands of IoT sensors
  • A complete, real-time Streetlight Management System that automatically dims and responds to environmental data
  • Cities can monitor streetlight infrastructure in real-time, proactively reacting to failures and breakages
  • Proprietary semiconductor technology coupled with network software and a SaaS analytics solution


The gridComm network is completely secured and protected, from the hybrid power line communications/ RF network nodes, which are AES-128 protected, to the cellular TCP network