Smartscape Urban Greening Solutions

Company information

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Company location: United Kingdom


We design, install and maintain Living Walls, Living Pillars & Interior Landscaping Schemes boosting Urban Greening for healthier happier cities

Living Walls, Living Pillars, Flex MSE, Interior Landscape design and installation and Urban Greening Solutions for healthy resilient cities

Living Walls

Living Walls & Green Walls designed, installed and maintained by Scotscape for improved biodiversity, air quality & to mitigate the urban heat island.

Interior Landscaping

Living Walls and interior landscaping design, consultation and installation, to support biophilic design and health and well-being of building users.

Living Pillars

Living Pillar™ The NEW Urban Greening innovation from the Scotscape Group

Urban Greening Solutions

Urban Greening design, installation and maintenance to bring plants into the heart of the city, supporting a healthier built environment and biodiversity

Flex MSE Living Wall

Flex MSE is an innovative system for constructing Living Walls with retaining wall qualities