Solar Energy

Company information

Yongyang Sdn. Bhd. Logo

Yongyang Sdn. Bhd.

Company location

Company location: Malaysia


Solar is clean and renewable. Going solar has a wide range of economic, environmental and personal benefits. What’s your motivation? Many people are aware that solar is a great energy efficiency upgrade and are eager to reduce their carbon footprint for environmental benefits. Whatever your motivation is, GoGreen with Solar is the way forward for a more sustainable future!

Protect your Family from Rising Energy Price

You like your home, and you want your home to be Greener & Cleaner. In Malaysia, electricity cost can make up a substantial amount of your monthly expenses. Yongyang makes going solar simpler, we are one stop solution to deliver your home a 25+ year worry-free Solar PV system!

Solar for Commercial & Industrial

Yongyang is a complete Solar Energy solution service provider, ranging from custom design, financing, installation, system monitoring and maintenance. We understand the solar industry and we build solar energy system of any sizes for the needs of businesses, industrial factories, communities, schools and public organizations.