Solar Hot Water Heating Systems

Company information

ST.Anthony's Solar Logo

ST.Anthony's Solar

Company location

Company location: Sri Lanka


Why St. Anthony’s solar heating system

St. Anthony’s Solar hot water system contains of an evacuated tube solar collector which consists of glass tube with copper pipes running through the center. The evacuated tube solar collector captures the thermal energy from the sun. Then the captured heat is transferred into water using a circulator by pushing water through the solar collector. Then the heated water is then stored in a tank, where it is been continuously heated throughout the day. This water can be used to obtain hot water to the house at any given time. Learn more below why you should switch to St. Anthony’s solar hot water system.

#1 Solar hot water system in the market

No waiting for the boiler to heat up, Ready when you are.

Works under all weather conditions

No negative environmental impact

Works during power cut

Save on energy cost

High efficient tube system

Warranty up to 10 years