Solar Inverters

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Aus-Brite Solar

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Company location: Australia


Aus-Brite Solar - Best solar inverter in brisbane and Adelaide

Choosing the best solar inverter for your unique need is a must. It is one of the most essential components of the solar power system as it converts power from the sun into more advantageous energy and is usually referred to as the brain of a solar system. Including Sydney, Brisbane, and Adelaide, we offer the broadest range of solar inverters. These solar inverters have been designed with the aim of being the most safe, environmental-friendly, long-lasting, and technologically-advanced in the race to go green.

Use this section to find the best solar inverters for your residential or commercial places.



Residential Single Phase Inverter

11.5 kg compact design, plug and play installation

Higher yield with Max. efficiency 98.4 %, European efficiency 98.0 %

Quick Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter

Built-in Type II DC&AC surge protection device

Built-in certified PV isolator

12.5 A MPPT current, and compatible with bifacial modules



Multi-MPPT String Inverter for 1000 Vdc System

High power quality, no interference for electrical equipment

Max. efficiency 98.6%, European efficiency 98.0%

1.1 overload capacity, 10% more yield under high irradiance

Plug and play design, easy installation

Built-in surge arresters and residual current protection

Fast commissioning, easy local and on-line monitoring


Growatt 2500MTL-S/3000MTL-S/3600MTL-S/ 4200 MTL-S/5500MTL-S

Simple Easy To Use

Touch key and OLED display

Type II SPD on DC side

Support export control

Efficient Power Generation

Max. efficiency 98.4%

DC/AC ratio upto 1.4

Dual MPP trackers

Strong Adaptability


Battery ready(XH) interface extend to storage system at anytime you want +IoT make your energy smarter



The transformerless Fronius Primo is the ideal compact single-phase inverter for residential and small-scale commercial applications with power categories from 3.8 to 8.2 kW. In accordance with ESA rules for residential applications, the Fronius Primo can operate efficiently at a maximum input voltage of 600 V. And for increased efficiency and additional cost savings for commercial applications, the Fronius Primo can operate at the maximum input voltage of 1,000 V. Industry- leading features now come standard with the Fronius Primo, including: dual maximum power point tracking, arc fault protection, integrated wireless monitoring and SunSpec Modbus interfaces for seamless monitoring and datalogging via Fronius’ online and mobile platform, Fronius Solar.web.


Single Phase Inverter with HD-Wave Technology

Specifically designed to work with power optimisers.

Quick and easy inverter commissioning directly from a smartphone using the SolarEdge SetApp

Record-breaking efficiency

Built-in level-module monitoring

Advanced safety features - integrated arc fault protection.


Fixed voltage inverter for longer strings.