Solar PV

Company information

Abel Environmental Services Ltd Logo

Abel Environmental Services Ltd

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Abel Environmental specializes in new build solar PV solutions for all new build commercial construction, whether that be, new homes, new shops, new distribution centers, new petrol stations, If the project is commercial our in house design team can help design the most cost effective and efficient solar system to meet your requirements.Due to the increased pressure on building energy efficient buildings, Solar PV is now recognized as the most cost effective renewable energy product to install with most professionals within the industry.  With mounting systems now becoming more installer friendly and In Roof systems now more affordable than ever you can easily incorporate any system into your design.Our experienced in house team have worked on a vast number of projects to design from the outset systems that cost effectively meet the planning and building regulation requirements to maintain construction compliance.

Benefits of Solar PV for new builds

Energy efficiency

Meet all energy efficiency related targets

Comply with any planning conditions which may be in place

SAP calculations enable accurate system generation predictions

Improve the EPC rating of all new build stock


Enhance green credentials

Fulfil energy & CO2 targets

Work towards reducing climate change


Protection from rising energy costs

Minimal maintenance required

Options to also reduce hot water heating bill