Solar Water Heater

Company information

EcoSmart HUB Logo

EcoSmart HUB

Company location

Company location: Indonesia


WIKA SWH is designed with reliable components and high durability, such as Blue Titanium Enameled Extreme Corrosion Resistance water tank which is very corrosion resistant, Non CFC high density Injection Polyurethae for maximum heat insulation, heat collector panel with Durapro Aluminum Sun Strip which is able to absorb the sun’s heat to the maximum, Special Ice Glass special glass panels that are able to absorb and at the same time block the maximum heat as well as other components and accessories that are extra durability.

Get quality hot water with 100% free solar energy !! For WIKA SWH residences available from capacity 130, 150 and 300 Liters with a warranty of up to 7 years, while for commercial needs, tank capacity of up to 4000 liters is available.