Solar Window Technology

Company information

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Solar Window Technologies

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


SolarWindow™ is a novel technology for generating sustainable electricity by collecting light energy from the sun and artificial sources. The Company’s SolarWindow™ technology generates electrical energy when the electricity-generating coating is applied to glass and plastic surfaces. SolarWindow™ could potentially be used on any of the more than 85 million commercial and residential buildings in the United States alone. SolarWindow™ technology is the subject a patent-pending technology.

How does SolarWindow™ work?

SolarWindow™ coatings utilize an organic photovoltaic (OPV) solar array composed of ultra-small solar cells, fabricated using mostly hydrogen-carbon based substances.

OPV cells are a third generation solar technology that convert light energy into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. When interconnected in a grid-like arrangement, an array of these OPV cells increase the voltage potential and electrical current in a given area. The Company is developing a proprietary OPV solar coating to generate electricity on glass and flexible plastics, while remaining see-through.

We currently have several product development goals for our SolarWindow™ technology:

SolarWindow™- Commercial – A flat glass product for installation in new commercial towers under construction and replacement windows;

SolarWindow™-Structural Glass – Structural glass walls and curtains for tall structures;

SolarWindow™-Architectural Glass – Textured and decorative interior glass walls, room dividers, etc.

SolarWindow™-Residential – A window glass for installation in new residential homes under construction and replacement windows;

SolarWindow™-Flex – Flexible films which may be applied directly on to glass, similar to aftermarket window tint films, for retrofit to existing commercial towers, buildings, and residential homes; and

SolarWindow™-BIPV – Building product components associated with building-integrated-photovoltaic (―BIPV) applications in homes, buildings, and office towers.

SolarWindow™ coatings for commercial and military aircraft, and the safety and security of military pilots.

Other products may be developed during the commercialization of SolarWindow™ and the electricity-generating coating.