Specialist Services

Company information

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Company location: United Kingdom


All the details for your project

Often the main purpose of our work is to mitigate the risks associated with complex designs and to ensure that the building will perform well. This is achieved by great care and attention to detail. Many projects will require modelling of the building physics to give exact numbers or to validate a proposal.

We provide a range of building physics services that can be tailored to your needs.

What we do

– Energy modelling (PHPP or SAP)

– Thermal bridging modelling (THERM)

– Hygrothermal simulation (WUFI)

– Dynamic thermal simulation (TAS)

– Solar energy system modelling

– Heat load calculations

– Domestic heating system design

– Condensation risk analysis

– Overheating risk analysis

– Daylighting analysis

– Airtightness testing

– MVHR design & commissioning

When to start

Our services can be used during detailed design and construction or for troubleshooting existing buildings.

Experienced engineers

Our engineers have a background in building physics and modelling. We have a range of capabilities, from simple U-value calculations through to complex dynamic thermal and moisture simulations.

We combine these specialist capabilities with our practical knowledge of buildings to provide timely and relevant advice to our clients that goes beyond compliance.

Making sense of the numbers

Helping clients to understand the technical aspects of our modelling work and making complex issues manageable is what we do best.

Cost-effective service

We offer competitive rates for all our specialist services, including building physics modelling. In most cases we should be able to match others’ prices.