Sustainable Interior Architecture

Company information

Object Space Place Logo

Object Space Place

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Interior architecture and branding for hospitality businesses that put sustainability at their heart

We have pioneered a Restorative Design Framework based on the principles of a circular economy, which aims to design out waste and pollution, keep natural resources in use and minimise your carbon footprint.

Uplifting environments

Object Space Place is an interior architecture and design company with a focus on hospitality and a pioneering approach to sustainability.

Whether your concept majors on unique food, convenience or experience, our job is to create environments that work as the best backdrop for your staff to look after your customers. Crucially, that backdrop must be sustainable as the resources involved in creating it are not infinite. And so, our aim is to develop genuinely restorative restaurants; ones that deliver on your brand's promise whilst seeking to set a new benchmark in sustainable design. It is not the easiest path, but is one we are excited to be committed to.