Sustainable Procurement Advisory

Company information

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Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Supply chains is where majority of an organisation’s environmental and social impacts tends to be realised. In some instances over 80% of climate impacts and sustainability risks reside in supply chains.  

Procurement is a critical function that is a gateway to effectively managing your supply chains and implementing your sustainability strategies effectively. Procurement is a driver for effective, impactful and sustainable business.


We support organisational procurement and supply chain management throughout the lifecycle in order to:

Design and refresh procurement policies, processes and tools to better manage risks and embed sustainability (and circularity) into the procurement process;

Develop sustainable and circular procurement strategies in order to leverage the buying power to scale positive impact;

Drive supply chain diversity and development.

Leveraging international standards such as ISO20400, Elle McArthur Circular Procurement guidance and EU Green public procurement guidance, we can provide advice, training and collaborative support in strengthening your procurement and supply chain processes to embed sustainability and cicirlar