Sustainable Statutory Compliance & EPCs Consultancy

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Green Build Consult

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Company location: United Kingdom


GreenBuild Consult offers full Part L compliance services and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for all new-build developments, both domestic and commercial. With extensive experience of energy assessments for Building Regulations, our in-house energy team provides comprehensive sustainability and energy compliance services for a wide range of building types.

We have chosen the best software and rigorous certification providers for our Part L and EPC licences; our domestic SAP (Part L1A) and EPC licences are under STROMA’s Competent Person Scheme and On-Construction Domestic Energy Assessors (OCDEA) schemes, which fully meet the BRE’s requirements for quality-certified SAP/EPC calculations.

Our non-domestic SBEM (Part L2A) and Level 5 EPC licence is provided under CIBSE’s Low Carbon Energy Assessor accreditation scheme using IES Virtual Environment, which is also able to demonstrate detailed compliance with the summer overheating requirement (Criterion 3) of the Building Regulations.