The Ace Bio Mineral Pot Water Filter

Company information

Waters Co Australia Logo

Waters Co Australia

Company location

Company location: Australia


The Ace Bio Mineral Pot is the culmination of over 40 years of experience and research into water filtration by some of the worlds leading scientists. Waters Co was first to market with natural gravity fed systems creating alkaline mineral water way back in 1984 and have continued to lead the market in research and development setting the benchmark for all other brands to follow.

Featuring an unmatched in class 10 stages of sterilising, filtration and activation the AceBIO turns ordinary tap water into great tasting, alkalised, energised, magnetised and ionised mineral water.

Filtering out: Sediment, rust, bacteria, cysts, chlorine, chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride and unpleasant odours. 

  Great for home and workplace or travel

  Pre-filter membrane reduces: Dirt, rust, sediment, bacteria and cysts.

  Activated coconut shell carbon bonded with silver reduces most common impurities to 99% including chlorine, chemicals, heavy metals (Lead, copper etc) & bacteria.

  Special patented nano activated carbonate compound for fluoride reduction up to 99% removal

  Quickly turns tap water into alkaline mineral water adding around 60 Bio-organic trace minerals

  Organic Germanium

  Special Bio-Ceramic balls giving far infrared Ki (Life energy)

  Clean, fresh, great tasting water

  Economical and easy hydration – avoid expensive bottled waters

  Filter set included lasts up to 4,800 litres or 24 months and has replaceable filter cartridges

  Compact size, lightweight - no electricity or tap connection required

  BPA Free materials