The Hempcrete Blocks

Company information

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Hemp and Block

Company location

Company location: United States


Made-in-USA Hemp Blocks for New Construction, Retrofits, and Renovations

Using pre-cast hemp blocks allows for the rapid construction of hempcrete walls without the extended cure-time delays and increased labor typically associated with other hempcrete installation methods, such as tamp-in-place.

What is Hempcrete?

Hempcrete is a bio-composite, non-structural insulation infill material made from hemp hurd fiber (the strong inner stalk) and a lime-based binder. The many benefits of hempcrete construction include:

- Energy efficiency

- Utility cost reduction

- High thermal/insulation performance

- Low embodied energy and carbon emissions during production

- Carbon sequestration in use

- Fire and mold resistance

- Healthy indoor air quality

Product Information

The hempcrete blocks manufactured by Hemp and Block meet or exceed all quality standards for hempcrete (hemp-lime) construction as outlined in the 2024 International Residential Code Appendix BL for Hempcrete.


Hempcrete insulation is suitable for new construction or energy-efficient renovation projects on existing homes and buildings. It can be used for non-structural applications in external and internal walls, floor and ceiling insulation, and more. It creates a thermal building envelope for walls that “breathe” (are vapor permeable) and acts as a substrate for applying a lime-based plaster or render wall finish. Hempcrete blocks can replace drywall, fiberglass insulation, sheathing, plastic wrap, and more, offering a simple, natural, and beautiful form of sustainable masonry.

Product Characteristics

- Color: Off-white/beige to gray

- Texture: Unique, choppy hemp texture

- Weight: Lightweight (12.5 – 25 lbs. / cubic foot)

- Strength: Self-supporting for building walls

- Insulation: R-value of 2 for every inch depth of hempcrete (varies based on density)

- Installation: Simple, using lime mortar (hempcrete binder + sand and/or hemp fiber) to lay blocks

- Sizes: Offered in U.S. building sizes such as 8x8x16” and 12x8x16” nominal (including mortar joint)

Composition and Sustainability Statement

For performance and sustainability, Hemp and Block hempcrete blocks are made with:

- Hemp hurd

- Hydrated lime

- Natural volcanic pozzolan

- American Cement (cement-free blends available by special request)

All raw materials are sourced from within the USA, ensuring a low-footprint, Made-in-USA building product.