Threatened Species Management

Company information

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Company location

Company location: Australia


Successful threatened flora and fauna management involves site-specific and innovative solutions and Ecosure’s consultant pride themselves on developing these for the benefit of the client and the wildlife involved.

Blossum Bat

Christmas Bells

Squatter Pigeon

Roads and Maritime Services, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Arrow Energy and U&D Mining are just a few of the clients that have entrusted their projects to Ecosure’s expertise to manage threatened species on their behalf.

With more than 25 years’ experience each, our senior ecologists lead all aspects of threatened species assessment and management, meeting compliance requirements and protecting them in the most innovative and practical way possible. The expertise required to provide solutions to the management of threatened species does not come overnight, our clients require experienced scientists with a background in research and consultancy and this is how Ecosure has positioned itself above many other ecological consultancy providers.

Ecosure’s scientists have a breadth and depth of knowledge and can be called on for specialist advice in their particular area of expertise. This gives our clients confidence that they are getting the highest quality of work regardless of the project size.

Often one of the biggest expenses for companies is the discovery of a threatened species late in the project. Ecosure’s depth of experience allows for thorough planning and assessment up front to identify which species are present on the site or are highly likely to occur.

Ecosure’s Threatened Species related services

Protected plant surveys and permits for EVNT flora species under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006

Threatened animal and plant species surveys for state and commonwealth legislation

Seven-part test under the New South Wales Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Assessments of significance and referrals under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC).

Nestbox installation and monitoring

Fauna spotter catcher services