Utility Scale Battery Storage

Company information

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Company location: United Kingdom


Our ability to model future revenue is a key differentiator that sets up apart from all other developers within the industry.

Thanks to our extensive experience, our world-class technical team has been able to create a first-of-its-kind financial modelling tool, which allows us to predict the long-term revenue streams our utility scale battery storage projects may generate.

The tool can be used to predict whole life cost, IRR and long-term revenue streams. It takes into account market conditions and fluctuations, and optimises the best solution to achieve the highest revenue streams for a storage asset.

Another major benefit of the tool is that it helps solve the problem of integrating ‘revenue stacking’, by considering different scenarios, to model the best outcome for our customers.

Guaranteed Performance

Our battery storage systems meet the highest specifications, ensuring they perform at their optimal level. Anesco has a long-standing relationship with the major battery manufacturers and all of the batteries come with state-of-the-art fire protection, security and AC systems.

Every battery energy storage system we install and maintain comes with a 5-year, 95% availability guarantee, with planned and reactive maintenance contracts.

Monitoring and maintenance of utility scale energy storage systems

Anesco has a large and established in-house asset management, and operations & maintenance (O&M) service, providing remote monitoring and maintenance for battery assets, along with performance reports that are tailored to our individual customers’ needs.

Routine and reactive operations and maintenance

The maintenance contracts Anesco provides are tailored to customers’ requirements. They are based on manufacturers’ guidelines and industry best practice, as well as our own extensive experience.

Strong track record of success

As testament to our innovation and design expertise, in September 2017 Anesco officially unveiled the UK’s first subsidy free solar park, named Clayhill. The site combines 10MW of solar with 6MW of energy storage.

In the same month, Anesco also became the first organisation to successfully retrofit energy storage onto existing solar parks, without affecting ROCs payments. This means our clients have been able to receive subsidies on their solar farm sites, when co-located with energy storage.