Vertical Plantscapes - Living Walls Design

Company information

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Vertical Plantscapes

Company location

Company location: South Africa


Vertical Plantscapes - Living Walls - Vertical Gardens

This cutting edge concept has it all:




Psychological benefits

Marketing benefits

vertical plantscape  

Behind the creation of the infinitely variable designs is a modular living wall panel that is pre-grown for both residential and commercial applications. It provides rugged construction and ease of installation. Made from 80% post industrial HDPE polyethylene for its recycle ability and long life, it is one of the few plastics that can be recycled back into itself fully. The black colour also means that the plastic will be more UV stable without as many chemical additives. This plastic is also very resistant to chemicals found in fertilizers ensuring a very long product life span. Some of the many applications for these walls are the following:

Exterior Walls of Buildings

Interior Walls or freestanding features of Stores and Offices

Herb vertical garden in your kitchen or outdoor wall


Company Logos

Billboards and Signs

Exhibition Booths at Trade Shows

Special Event Promotions

Roof Gardens and Open space areas