Waste Management Services

Company information

AGV Environment Sdn Bhd Logo

AGV Environment Sdn Bhd

Company location

Company location: Malaysia


We have the expertise and together with our international partners, we have decades of experience in landfill design, permitting, construction monitoring, operations support, environmental monitoring, facility closure and post-closure engineering services.

Our expertise in waste management stems from years of environmental engineering and consulting for the waste industry in addition to other industries such as mining, oil and gas, power, manufacturing and municipalities. AGV and its partners offer you proven experience in waste disposal, transfer, storage, diversion, treatment and management.

We provide services in all project phases from inception to construction and offer a full range of technology solutions. These projects can range from designing a new landfill to transforming a closed landfill into a viable community recreational facility by using a landfill gas collection system. We also examine the feasibility of mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) plants and thermal conversion facilities for municipal waste. We also offer environmental compliance and public participation consultants who can guide productive stakeholder engagement activities as part of the permitting and public approval process.

Planning & Design Services

Waste management system planning

Technology reviews

Lifecycle assessments of waste systems and technologies

Carbon management

Waste diversion (3Rs) strategies including composting and anaerobic digestion

Landfill, ash monofill and waste facility design

Landfill gas capture and utilisation planning and design

Leachate management design

Landfill mining, rehabilitation and remediation planning

Permitting Services

Energy from waste permitting

Recycling and compost facility siting and permitting

Landfill facility and permitting

Stakeholder engagement plan and programs

Compliance support