Water and Wastewater Applications for Acme strainers

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Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd

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Company location: United States


A summary of applications for Acme strainers and where they can be installed in the water and wastewater marketplace.

The market niche for ACME scraper strainers is for screen openings from .003 inches (75 microns) up to 6 inch (150mm) particles. This document revels areas Municipal Water and Wastewater Applications where Acme Automatic Scraper Strainers can be implemented. The following is a summary of proven municipal applications for our units including but not limited to”

River and lake water intakes-water treatment:

Water intakes on lakes and rivers serve many purposes, from process to cooling tower applications.

Discharges prior to wastewater treatment:

Many local, state and federal regulations prohibit the discharge of contaminated wastewater into sewer systems, lakes or rivers.

“Grey water” recirculation applications:

As plants seek to re-use as much water as possible, applications that used to be supplied by a potable-water source are being changed over to grey water sourcing.

Membrane filter pre-screening:

All membrane filter manufacturers recommend that all influent be pre-screened to 500 microns in order to maintain membrane filter efficiency.

Stormwater screening:

Municipal stormwater collection systems can exceed their design capacities under heavy rain or upset conditions. Very large solids can then enter the system such as twigs, branches, construction debris and garbage that would overwhelm the wastewater treatment system.