Water Saving Taps

Company information

Aqualogic (WC) Ltd Logo

Aqualogic (WC) Ltd

Company location

Company location: Luxembourg


Inefficient taps in washrooms as well as within domestic environments can be a terrible source of wastage through both leaks and uncontrolled use. Taps can be inadvertently left running, dripping, or with a flow rate unsuitable to the type of use required. At Aqualogic we have put together a range of new and retro fitting taps, all water efficient, all WRAS accredited and all perfect for use.

We have included within our range complete and retro fit push taps, which will automatically release a short flow of water to a given pre set time; we have ‘non touch’ sensor taps, which respond to hand movement and turn off after a pre set time; and we have simple stylish water efficient taps.