Water Tank Cleaning

Company information

Envirocare Logo


Company location

Company location: United Arab Emirates


Water tank cleaning and chlorination is an important part of water hygiene. Whether a small domestic type water storage tank feeding a small water heater or a large water reservoir feeding many properties the fundamentals are the same, clean tanks mean clean water.

Enviro Care  is a specialist water tank cleaning contractor capable of cleaning any size of type of tank from small single piece molded plastic tanks such as those found in lofts to large concrete supply reservoirs. All staff is highly trained to carry out the work and staff adheres to strict health and safety procedures such as confined space working; with the ability to work under full breathing apparatus where necessary.

Enviro Care  offer a, hygienic and mechanized cleaning solution for storage water tanks that involve a 6 stage cleaning process using high pressure washer and antibacterial agents that are safe, effective and eco-friendly.