Water Underfloor Heating

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Home Comfort

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Company location: South Africa


Water / Hydronic Underfloor Heating is the most economical way of heating space heating. Water Underfloor Heating is widely used as an effective, environmentally friendly way to create warmth and comfort in both residential & commercial buildings throughout the world.

The advantage of Water Underfloor Heating / Hydronic Heating is that a variety and combination of different heat sources can be used based on preference, usage, availability of resource, cost, etc. Water underfloor heating can be designed to accommodate almost any temperature requirement. A recent project for a Bikram Yoga studio was successfully installed with an operating temperature of 42 Deg C

1. Pipes

Water Underfloor Heating Pipes are typically built into the makeup of the floor during the construction phase, but can be added as a retrofit during building alterations. The pipes used are extremely tough. The pipes typically have an oxygen resistant layer to prevent oxygen entering the water in the pipes. The pipes have a life expectancy of 350 years. Installation : The pipes are either attached to spacers; fastened with saddles or strapped to the reinforcing. Pipes can be installed in the slab or in the screed, and even in walls.

2. Management system

The Management System is at the heart of the heating distribution. Thermostats from various rooms communicates to the Management System when heating is required. Through a series of controls, actuators, manifolds & circulation pumps, heating is distributed to the correct areas on demand. The manifold is a series of valves where the pipes are connected. This brass manifold connects the pipe feeds to various lines and in turn to various rooms to maintain the individually set temperatures

3. Thermostat

Thermostats are used to control the temperature in every area. Temperature is preset at the thermostats. When the temperature drops below the specified temperature, the thermostat will communicate to the Management System and heating will commence through the piping network installed.

4. Pump

Magnetically Driven Circulation Pumps feeds hot water through the manifolds and pipes to transfer heating to rooms where and when required.

5. Heat Sources

Various different heat sources are used to heat up the water that will in turn heat the building / home. These heat sources include:

* Solar Water Heating  

* Heat Pump

* Gas Burner  

* Paraffin / Fuel oil burners

* Pellet burners

* Electrical Elements  

Any one or combination of these heat sources can be used. Domestic hot water & pool heating can also be combined with the Water Underfloor Heating