Water-use Permitting

Company information

Chand Environmental Consultants Logo

Chand Environmental Consultants

Company location

Company location: South Africa


With the threat of drought in 2018, South Africa awoke to a new dawn in managing water resources.  Many opted to go off grid or to supplement their municipal supply. Chand was at the forefront of this movement, and hence we understand the maze of processes required to obtain permits/authorisations for your borehole (s) and water treatment facility (reverse osmosis, desalination).  We can assist with:

Water Services Intermediary (WSI) Application for potable water distribution;

Water Safety Plan to support the WSI;

Environmental Management Plans for the design, construction and operation of the treatment plant;

Coastal Waters Discharge Permit;

Water Use Licence Application;

General Authorisation;

Project Development Plan.

We can help you understand which permits you need for your particular intervention and how we can help you get them timeously.

Perhaps you are contemplating a development which may need permits in term of the National Water Act (No. 36 of 1998) should there be rivers, streams or wetlands impacted upon.  This normally would form part of the environmental investigation.  Our specialist freshwater consultants can assist in the analysis and we can apply for the necessary permits.