WHS/OHS Management System

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Eva and Associates

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Company location: Australia


A Work Health and Safety System is designed for small to medium sized businesses, outlining the policies and procedures (as set out by AS/NZS ISO45001) that are to be followed within the workplace to manage work health and safety performance and legal compliance. Prepared by a qualified Health and Safety professional, WHS/OHS Systems and Manuals aim to provide a concise, user friendly framework for businesses.

An effective Safety Management System effectively sets out the procedures/processes for:

Roles and responsibilities of the organisation

Hazard Identification, Management Control and Review

Training and supervision requirements

Incident reporting and investigation

Consultation and participation and issue resolution

Emergency planning and appropriate response

Corrective and preventative action

So, do you need a Safety Management System? We can help.

Eva & Associates Pty Ltd can assist your company develop and roll out an effective Safety Management System by preparing a WHS/OHS Policy and Procedures document tailored to your organisational needs and legislative requirements. Prior to receiving your Safety Management Plan, we will arrange for a consultation visit by one of our OHS/WHS experts to view your existing policies and procedures to ensure a system specific to your organisation needs is provided- one that is user friendly, clearly structured and thorough.