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UKWSL UK Waste Solutions Logo

UKWSL UK Waste Solutions

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Company location: United Kingdom


UKWSL provides a Wood Recycling service nationally, to collect and process larger volumes segregated wood produced by businesses, from a single location to a multi-site national.

We have a wide range of containers within our service offering to ensure the correct size container and collection frequency is provided for your business to minimise the cost of waste collections whilst delivering environmental benefits tailored specifically for your business.

A separate Wood Recycling service is ideal to capture material and ensure your compliance with legislation before sending to a recycling plant or to recover renewable energy.

To further complement our Wood Recycling service, we can also provide a separate Pallett collection service with rebates often available for top quality pallets.

The four grades of Wood Recycling and acceptable materials:

Grade A: “Clean” recycled wood – material produced from pallets, pallets, off cuts, cable drums, scaffold boards, floor boards, skids. and secondary manufacture and suitable for producing animal bedding and mulches.

Material must be from soft white wood, free from paint, dirt and not charred or rotten.Grade B: Industrial feedstock grade – including grade A material plus plywood, OSB, plain chipboard, hardwood and painted Solid Timber, construction and demolition waste, this is suitable for making panelboard.Grade C: Fuel grade – this is made from all the above material plus that from municipal collections, civic amenity wood waste, MDF, hardboard and can be used for biomass fuel.Grade D: Hazardous waste – This includes all grades of wood including treated material such as fencing and trackwork and requires disposal at special facilities.