
Company information

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Facility Link

Company location

Company location: Singapore


As a construction company focused on sustainability, Facility Link understands the intrinsic value of wood as a sustainable material. Widely used in mankind's history in construction, wood is perhaps even more relevant now in this age of resource scarcity. Our relationship with wood goes back to our humble beginnings, and we continue our love affair with wood by establishing our newest production facility in Malaysia, Facility Link Woodcraft.


This facility, bearing our mark of distinctive quality, has computer numerical control (CNC) routing and spray-painting facilities, adding mass production capabilities to complement our current production facilities in Singapore.

Strategically located in Johor Bahru, Facility Link Woodcraft is expected to support woodworking requirements for our projects in Singapore, Malaysia, our new office in Yangon, Myanmar, as well as other projects in the region.

With this auxiliary production facility, Facility Link as a group has effectively expanded our regional coverage, enhanced our production capabilities and improved our business continuity, all the better to support our clients through these times of global uncertainty.