Zero Waste Refillable Silk Floss & Bamboo Toothbrush Bundle

Company information

Dental Lace, Inc Logo

Dental Lace, Inc

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Company location: United States


Get the Truthbrush & Dental Lace Single Combo Pack!

Why bamboo is better: Bamboo is the perfect material for the Truthbrush as it is beautiful to look at, warm to touch and fully biodegradable. The natural antibacterial and antifungal properties of bamboo mean the Truthbrush is hygienic too. Bamboo is resistant to natural pests, which means it is farmed organically.

Dental Lace is a refillable dental floss and 99% zero waste product. A glass container with a stainless-steel cap holds floss that is 100% silk. The refill bags are certified compostable and the boxes are 100% post-consumer paperboard. The container can be re-used, the bags composted, the boxes recycled and the floss biodegrades!